->Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí / Área de Computación e Informática
->Programación Orientada a Objetos
->Fernando de Jesús Martinez Zaragoza @Zackel
->Luis Ángel Carrizales Cerda @LuisBk1
Main Purpose: Through the magical world travel defeating several enemies to achieve reach the final finding several items during your journey through the lands of medieviL
Game consists of a world governed by medievil which your mission is to go all over the world to defeat him
The game contains 3 levels of difficulty and each has its head Nive.
The game is easy, you just use the keys on your computer so it achieving good synchronization between both hands (you can find more information on the "how to" section in the game) on arrival instructions
You can download the .jar version: Here is